Pro Nexa Classic Mattress

  • Feel the Premium Comfort as you relax and sleep in peace and quiet that is never interrupted.
  • The Premium MATTRESS has been assembled utilizing high quality materials ensuring longevity.
  • It has been designed in a manner which allows airflow resulting in cooler and drier conditions.
  • Anti-allergen and dust resistant features better protection against the environment while sleeping.
  • This gives value for money by offering quality and price in equal measure.

The Pro Nexa Classic Mattress is designed to change how you sleep by offering comfort, support, and durability at an advanced level. With top-class materials used, there is comfort in this mattress and the soothing feeling, therefore, making you more energetic once you wake up. The design of the mattress is such that it is ergonomically friendly and does not put excessive pressure on the joints which might lower body soreness. This factor means that the mattress should offer you good sleep hours and a good quality of sleep at that too.